Following on from our concerns regarding the current DSA consultation on how to improve Driving Instructor Training our PR guru Brian sent the DSA a Freedom of Information (FOI) request too the DSA. This is their response which we feel goes some way to show the weakness of their statement ‘it is not necessary for a trainee to demonstrate their teaching skills with pupils to qualify:
20 August 2013
Dear Mr Dunning,
Information requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA)
Further to my email of 6 August 2013, I can confirm that we have handled your request for information about ADI part 3 test statistics within the terms of the FoIA.
Your request was for:
1. In the past three annual reporting periods, how many candidates who successfully passed ADI part 3 held a trainee licence and how many did not hold a trainee licence?
2. In the same period as 1, how many candidates that failed ADI part 3 held a trainee licence and how many did not hold a trainee licence?
The register consists of live data and we cannot recreate the register as it once stood and run reports against it to identify applicants’ previous statuses and stages of qualification. We therefore, do not hold this information.
Although we are not able to provide you with the information that you have requested we do publish general statistics about ADI part 3 pass rate statistics on our website at and statistics about the number of trainee licence holders at